Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer is winding down and health news

Tomorrow is the last day of camp for Sophie! Woohoo! School starts on Monday. We had registration on Tuesday and we will meet the teacher on Saturday.

Margaux starts pre-K 2 on Wednesday, so I still have to take her to Collierville through Tuesday.

Sophie is excited to go back to school, but a little apprehensive about going somewhere new. I think she will enjoy it, though, once she gets used to it. It's a bigger school than where she was before and they have a lot of after school activities etc. They also have a cafeteria wich means I won't have to pack her lunch every day.

We're also looking forward to the Olympics with all the China coverage. Our little China angel is doing well. She's making great strides with language and starting to talk more in full sentences. She has very good fien motor skills and has mastered using markers and crayons.

I had my follow up appointment yesterday. My blood work is pretty much inconclusive for PCOS. Both my glucose and insulin levels were normal but according to a ratio calculation they indicate mild insulin intolerance. I have a prescription for metformin and I need to go back in 6 months to check on the ovarian cysts and the fribroids.