Thursday, June 5, 2008

Last School Report

It came in a couple of days ago. Sophie did great: all As! Woohoo! Also, for behavior, all Ss (Satisfactory). Her last reading test has her in the 98% percentile for her grade, and reading at beginning of 4th grade level. WTG Sophie!

So far, she's enjoying the YMCA. Everything is good, except the drive, which is just killing me.

This weekend is Dragon Fest and on Tuesday we are leaving for our travel group reunion. I CANNOT wait. I'm am so excited to see several of our families again and what the kids look like now. We're going to Gatlinburg.


RamblingMother said...

Have fun at the reunion. I am still undecided about ours in July. Money and gas are the deciding factors.

Kerry said...

Congrats to Sophie! The teacher in me just has to add...she may be reading higher than you even imagine. If her grade level equivalent is around the 4.0 level, that actually translates to a fifth grade level! For example, Alex (going into fifth grade, can you believe it???) has a reading level of 6.7, which actually translates to an ELEVENTH grade level! I used to teach Reading in middle school, so I know the equivalencies. I have a chart that translates the levels (he, he, I cheat)!

Another friend of mine was telling me her kiddo was reading on a fourth grade level at 4.4. Um nope, that's closer to a sixth grade level.

So, Sophie may be reading at an even higher level than you think!;)

Regardless, she's doing great!!!