Woohoo! It was actually really easy. I was prepared for a 2 hour process and it only took 10 mins! I answered all 6 "civics" questions correctly, read one sentence and wrote another and that was about it. Of course I had to answer all the usual questions about terrorism, travel, etc.
After that, I went and renewed my license and got my car inspected. I know, not too bright since it was the last day of the month. I could have waited since I did not have to do it until the end of July, but I figured I might as well since I took the day off for immigration. Now I am just cranky from waiting in a hot car and I have a tension headache, but other than that life is good! :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
I passed my citizenship test!
Posted by Couchkat at 2:28 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Nora: The Sequel - Better than the original!
So cute! :) Can't say my kitties are this talented.
Posted by Couchkat at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sucky news and good news
Sucky news: got my annual today, and I have fibroids... Now I need an ultrasound to find out how big they are. I know it's not a huge deal, but that's not something I wanted to mess with. Plus, since I'm turning 35, I have to do my 1st mammogram too. Sigh... I hate going to the doctor's. On a more positive note, I love my OBGYN, he is just so sweet and so good. I showed him a pic of the girls and he asked to keep it.
Now the good news: Sophie is accepted at Richland, which means we'll pay about $400 less a month. That's the difference between the tuition for private school, and the extended care she'll have to go to in public.
Posted by Couchkat at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Some of the Reunion pics
Here are just a few of the pictures... I have so many of them and I need to resize them or it takes forever to load. The one of Margaux in Cades Cove is my new favorite.
Posted by Couchkat at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
We're back!!!
We had a wonderful time. The cabin was great, the weather just a tad hot... We roasted in Dollywood. It was so much fun to spend time with our "China family" and actually very surprising to find out how alike the girls are. They have very similar voices and I could never tell which one was crying or complaining. I'll upload some pics soon.
We did the aquarium, Dollywood and Cades Cove. The girls and all the other kids (13 total!) behaved much better than anticipated.
Posted by Couchkat at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Last School Report
It came in a couple of days ago. Sophie did great: all As! Woohoo! Also, for behavior, all Ss (Satisfactory). Her last reading test has her in the 98% percentile for her grade, and reading at beginning of 4th grade level. WTG Sophie!
So far, she's enjoying the YMCA. Everything is good, except the drive, which is just killing me.
This weekend is Dragon Fest and on Tuesday we are leaving for our travel group reunion. I CANNOT wait. I'm am so excited to see several of our families again and what the kids look like now. We're going to Gatlinburg.
Posted by Couchkat at 4:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Article on transracial adoption (from Foster Care)
I have to say, this irritated me. The last thing adoptive parents need is more red tape.
I also did not like the part about placing with extended family members. Don't you think they would have come forward in the first place if they wanted the kids.
Posted by Couchkat at 10:28 AM 1 comments