Saturday, July 26, 2008

A couple of beautiful pics taken at the zoo

We went to a play date today, unfortunately no one else showed up! :(

We still had fun and the girls really enjoyed the butterfly exhibit. It's just so pretty. It was so hot, though, we just had to go before Sophie was ready to leave.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A toddler sense of style!

Nothing like wearing mom's shades and Sissy's flip flops and hat! A little leftover ketchup in lieu of lipstick, I'm good to go!

A couple of straggler 4th pics!

Mommy's 35!

Yikes, I can't believe the big one is here. I officially turned 35 on July 15! Here is my birthday cake. The girls helped me blow the candles!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July pics

My beautiful girls in their red, white, and blue!

More good news/bad news

Mammogram results came back and are normal, that's the good news...

Bad news, on the ultrasound taken to measure the fibroids, cysts were noticed on my overies. My doc thinks I have PCOS, which is an endocrine (i.e. hormonal) issue. I have to schedule an appointment for more bloodwork in a couple of weeks before the diagnosis can be confirmed. PCOS is related to insuline resistance and can lead to diabetes. :(

I will know more in a few weeks.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Poor Chuck down for the Holiday

He had been running 103-104 fever since Wed night and only worked a 1/2 day on Thursday and is just starting to feel better. So, we did not have much of a 4th of July, but we did manage to see the fireworks on Friday in G'town and that was about the extent of the celebration. I took some pics of the kids and will upload them later.

I had my mammogram last week and am still waiting for the results. My bloodwork came back and my vitamin D is low so now I'm on heavy duty vitamins and I have to get tested again in 8 weeks. My bad cholesterol was slightly elevated as well, I have been splurging a little too much lately. I'll have my ultrasound tomorrow to check on those fibroid tumors.