Sunday, May 17, 2009

The girls professional Easter picture

Cute... even though we could not get Margaux to smile at all... She still really enjoyed holding the bunny though..

Sophie's professional picture from her ballet recital

Love this, and the costume is perfect for her...

Margaux's 3 year portrait

These were taken at the new JC Penney on Winchester. I brought Sophie to make her laugh and it worked. The collage was a 10*13, so I could not scan quite the whole picture. The Hello Kitty outfit is perfect because her referral pictures included a pic in a Hello Kitty bean bag chair.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Margaux's birthday party

We invited all her friends from daycare and part of our China group, plus all our friends. Chuck and I had the great idea to do it at the house and we ended up with a rainy day and 45+ people in the house! Yikes! You'll just have to trust me on that since I'm not posting pictures of our guests to respect their privacy.
Everyone still had fun though and the cookout was a success. The theme was of course, Dora and Diego. I found a pinata of Diego, which was no small fiest. Some of my guests thought he looked like he had swine flu (see picture) Too funny! That was something else we had to deal with, the birthday party was on the same weekend as w.hen all the panic was going on with swine flu and the media were telling people to stay home all weekend. I was worried no one would show up!
Next year will NOT be at home!

Margaux's birthday

These are some pictures taken on her actual birthday (4/29). I can't believe my baby turned 3! We had a small cake and she got several books and DVDs. Her sister got her a Diego puzzle. The biggest hit was a set of a Diego shirt and underwear!

Dragon Fest

Every year we celebrate Dragon Fest with our local FCC Group (Families with Children From China). We had a great time this year on Mud Island where the reproduction of the Mississipi river is. We had a picnic by the river and then the girls enjoyed racing their ducks down the little river. The end of the riverwalk is a pool representing the gulf.

Saint Patrick's Day

I kind of cheated this year since Chuck broke my camera right before Saint Patrick's Day, but here are my gorgeous little ladies sporting their green

More Easter Pictures - encore quelques photos de Paques

Random Easter Pictures - Paques

In no particular order, some of our Easter pictures from several events. I think Margaux ended up participating in 5 or 6 Easter egg hunts and has become a pro.
Quelques-une de nos photos de Paques et de tous les evenements ou nous sommes alles. Margaux a participes dans au moin 5 a 6 chasses auz oeufs, elle est devenue pro et adore ca.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Field day pictures - journee sportive

I am way behind with posting pictures, so they won't come in order..

Here are a couple from field day last Friday. Sophie took second place for second graders in one of the events and she always enjoys the sack race. Also, a picture of Margaux just modeling a new outfit.

Quelques photos prises la semaine derniere a la journee sportive de l'ecole ou ils font des competitions par classes. Elle a eu la deuxieme place dans une des courses. Elle adore les courses en sac. Voici aussi une photo de Margaux, fiere de son nouvel ensemble.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sophie's piano recital

I am so proud of my girl. I can't believe how well she is doing after only a few months of piano. Let's just say she did not inherit any musical talent from her mother... :D