Thursday, May 29, 2008

End of school year

Sorry I’ve been so bad about updating this blog.

I have a lot to get caught up with.

First, daddy handled the girls just fine while I was in California. He even had to learn how to make ponytails. I’m sure they were not the prettiest but it worked out.

The conference was pretty good, except for one presentation which totally horrified me. The presenter had pictures of girls in bathing suits and lingerie on every one of his slides, even though they had nothing to do with the topic. I can honestly say, I’ve never seen this blatant sexism in my 11 year career.
Sophie’s last day of school was last Friday. She’s had an excellent year. Straight As so far, but we’re still waiting for the last report, she got over 50 points in AR (advance reader), which means she has read and taken tests for roughly 100 books, she also got an award for spelling, and one for perfect attendance. I think it’s more of an award for me for getting her to school on time every single day. It’s also a reflection of how healthy she’s been all school year.

Last Thursday was Sophie’s first ever recital. She did very well. She did not freeze like I was worried she would and she looked very cute in her recital costumes. I will try to post some pictures soon. I still have all the pictures from my friend cat to post as well.

On Memorial weekend, we mostly hung out around the house, but we did go to the member-only event at the zoo, where the kids could play in the fountain. We met some of our FCC friends and had a great time. 10 years ago on Memorial weekend we were moving into our house.

On Tuesday, it was summer camp time for Sophie, and back to sitter for Margaux. She was not a happy camper (no pun intended). I think she really enjoyed staying home with daddy. She’s cried every day so far, she had never cried before when I left her with the sitter.

Shadow, also known as Sha-Sha, the 8-month old kitten, has been on a rampage. She’s been killing birds and rodents left and right. She has a very strong instinct. She’s even worse than Yoda used to be.

Margaux got some mosquito bites this week and they have been swelling again. I guess we’re not quite over that yet. I may have to try that “Mitigator” that Leaps and Bounds sells and see if that would help.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mommy in California

Because of travel restrictions due to the struggling economy, I had yet to travel on business with FedEx. On Sunday, I flew to LAX, on my way to the National Postal Forum in Anaheim with three of my co-workers. Good thing, it's three other ladies. Kind of reminds me of Sex and the City, other than the obvious fact we look nothing like them! :) I will fly back on Wednedsay afternoon. So, Chuck has to fend for himself with the girls. He's on vacation, so he has Chunky Monkey all to himself during the day. Sophie is in school for her last week. Tonight (Monday), she has to go sing for a teacher's retirement party, and Tuesday night is her dance rehearsal for her recital. Thankfully I will be back in time for the recital itself on Thursday. I'm looking forward to seing her dance!

In the meantime, I'm done with the conferences for the day and about to check out the hot tub. Weather is beautiful, company's great, and we're in a fabulous hotel, so I can't complain too much!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Chunky Monkey

Margaux went to her doctor's appointment last week for her 2 year check-up. She got yet another clean bill of health. As chubby as she looks to us, I was very surprised that is only 25th percentile for weight at 25 lbs. She is 33 1/2 inches tall, which puts her at the 37th percentile for height. Of course both of these are on the US charts, so I still figure she's a pretty good size for a Chinese little girl. I found some growth charts on the FCC website for Southern Chinese girls and looked at those for comparison. On there, she is the 60th for height and 80th for weight, so definitely a good size!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Friday, May 2, 2008

Once upon a hammock

This is what Sophie did to her face after falling off a broken hammock. This was done at the neighbor's. This was day 3 after the fall and it looked better than when it first happened and than the day after when it started turning yellow.

Birthday Dinner

We took Margaux to the Chinese buffet for her birthday dinner on Tuesday. Unfortunately she had been sick that day and refused to eat her favorite thing - Chinese noodles. Instead she just had ketchup. This child just loves ketchup and will eat it with a spoon. This is her new photo face by the way. She thinks that's what you want her to do when you get the camera out...

Birthday girl

Last weekend was so incredibly busy. On Saturday morning I had to get up very early to go to the March of Dimes. Since I was the coordinator for my work group, there was no escaping it. I left Sophie at home with Daddy, so he could take her to her ballet class and I took Margaux with the stroller. It was actually very pleasant. The weather was beautiful and I even spotted a couple of turtles at the park. Margaux was semi-cooperative, especially since she had some munchies to keep her busy.

After I got home, I waited for Chuck to come back and I ran out for the party shopping. I went to both Costco and Sam's. I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home.

I just kind of vegged out until Sophie showed up. She had been playing at the neighbors and fell off a hammock. Her face was scraped everywhere. It just looked awful. It has since then turned several shades of bruise and the scratches are healing.

On Sunday, I got up very early to start cleaning the house. I kept going, making loot bags, and just getting ready until the first guests showed up. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and we had to bring the outdoors party indoor. We were a little tight, I think we had about 40 people total, but we made it work.

The kids looked like they had a ton of fun We had a yummy cake and a butterfly shaped pinata.

After the party, I got myself a glass of wine and just chilled. I had a hard time making it through the work week and I'm thankful there's nothing planned this week-end, so I can try to recover!